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Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFA0306502), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11521063 and 11904355), and the Fund from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
We present an intensive study of the coupling between different Feshbach states and the hyperfine levels of the excited states in the adiabatic creation of 23Na40K ground-state molecules. We use coupled-channel method to calculate the wave function of the Feshbach molecules, and give the short-range wave function of triplet component. The energies of the hyperfine excited states and the coupling strength between the Feshbach states and the hyperfine excited states are calculated. Our results can be used to prepare a specific hyperfine level of the rovibrational ground state to study the ultracold collisions involving molecules.
Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) is a coherent manipulation technique that allows robust population transfer between discrete quantum states.[1,2] The principle of STIRAP can be understood using a three-level system involving two ground states and one excited state. By coupling the two ground states with the excited state using a pump light and a Stokes light, respectively, and adiabatically controlling the Rabi frequencies in a counterintuitive way, the system can be transferred from one ground state to the other one without any losses. Recently, the STIRAP technique has been employed to prepare ultracold alkali-metal diatomic molecules in the rovibrational ground state.[3–10] To prepare the ultracold ground-state molecules, weakly bound Feshbach molecules are first created in an ultracold atomic gas in the vicinity of an atomic Feshbach resonance, and then are transferred to the ground state via a molecule excited state by the STIRAP. An illustration of the STIRAP in the 23Na40K system is shown in Fig.
The Feshbach molecule is a kind of long-range molecule, and the long-range wave function is simply determined by the large magnetically-tunable scattering length.[11] This kind of universal property has been employed to study the BEC–BCS crossover in degenerate fermion gases,[12] the dynamics of solitons and votices in Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC),[13,14] and the universal few-body physics.[15,16] However, to prepare the ground-state molecule, we need to understand the short-range wave function of the Feshbach molecule, since the excited state is a conventional rovibrational state of the excited electronic state, and thus the coupling between the Feshbach state and the excited state occurs at the short range.
In the 23Na40K system, there are various atomic Feshbach resonances that can be used to create Feshbach molecules.[17,18] The projection of the total angular momentum along the magnetic field and the short-range wave function of these Feshbach molecules are different. The electronic excited state is a combination of the singlet and triplet electronic states, and it has many hyperfine levels due to the coupling between the electron spin and the nuclear spins.[19,20] These rich energy level structures offer the opportunity to create different hyperfine levels of the ground state by choosing the proper hyperfine excited states, the polarization of the pump and Stokes lasers, and the different Feshbach states. In our recent work, we have prepared the molecules in several different hyperfine levels of the rovibrational ground state to study the atom–molecule Feshbach resonances.[10] Besides, it has been demonstrated that in the 23Na40K system, the interference between a desired resonant STIRAP via resonantly coupled hyperfine level of the excited state and an unexpected detuned STIRAP via other off-resonantly coupled hyperfine levels can induce the oscillation of the round-trip STIRAP efficiency and affect the purity of the hyperfine ground states.[21] Therefore, it is important to understand the coupling between the Feshbach states and different hyperfine levels of the excited states.
In this paper, we present a detailed theoretical study of the coupling between the Feshbach states and different hyperfine levels of the excited states in the 23Na40K system. We will consider the broad Feshbach resonances between |fNa,mfNa⟩ = |1,1⟩ and |fK,mfK⟩ = |9/2,mfK⟩ states with mfK = −9/2, −7/2, −5/2. For each spin combination, there are two broad atomic Feshbach resonances. We will calculate the short-range wave function of the Feshbach state, and calculate the coupling between these Feshbach states and the hyperfine levels of the excited state, which is a mixture of the electronic excited states B1 Π |v = 12, J = 1⟩ and c3Σ |v = 35, J = 1⟩. Our results can be used to prepare the molecules in various hyperfine levels of the rovibrational ground states.
We first consider the s-wave Feshbach molecule in the vicinity of the Feshbach resonance between the |fNa,mfNa⟩ = |1,1⟩ and |fK,mfK⟩ = |9/2,mfK⟩ states. The Feshbach state is labelled by |1,1;9/2,mfK⟩. The binding energy and the wave function of the Feshbach molecule can be calculated using the Hamiltonian
The internal states can be expressed in terms of the uncoupled basis |msNa, msK, miNa, miK⟩. The Hamiltonian couples all the internal states with the same projection along the magnetic field MF = mfNa + mfK = msNa + msK + miNa + miK. For a given MF and B, we first diagonalize the hyperfine and Zeeman Hamiltonian Hhf + Hz to obtain the internal eigenstate |χi⟩ and the threshold energy
The calculated wave function can be expanded in terms of the spin-coupled basis |σ⟩ = |S, MS, miNa, miK⟩ by a unitary transformation
It can be easily seen that only several channels have the long-range components. For these channels, the long-range wave function can be expressed as
For the STIRAP transfer, the short-range wave function is important. The short-range wave function includes the contribution from the the singlet and triplet potentials. In most cases, the contribution from the singlet potential is negligibly small, and thus the wave function of the Feshbach molecule is dominated by the triplet component. That is the reason why we usually need to find an excited state which is a mixture of triplet and singlet electronic excited state to perform the STIRAP.
The short-range wave function of the triplet component can be written as
For the Feshbach state |1,1;9/2,−7/2⟩ at B = 104 Gs, we have plotted the short-range wave function
The excited state used in the STIRAP transfer is a mixture of the singlet electronic excited state B1Π |v = 12, J = 1⟩ and the triplet electronic excited state c3Σ |v = 35, J = 1⟩, and thus the excited state can be written as a superposition state |ψe⟩ = |ψB1Π⟩ + |ψc3Σ ⟩, where |ψB1Π⟩ and |ψc3Σ⟩ represent the singlet and triplet excited states, respectively. The hyperfine level structures of the excited states have been discussed in Refs. [19,20].
The triplet component |ψc3Σ⟩ accounts for the coupling between the Feshbach state and the electronic excited state, since the short-range wave function of the Feshbach molecule is dominated by the triplet component. The state |ψc3Σ⟩ can be expanded in the basis |NSJ MJ miNamiK⟩ with N = 1, S = 1, and J = 1. The hyperfine and Zeeman interactions for the c3Σ state are described by
The singlet component |ψB1Π⟩ is responsible for the coupling between the excited state and the ground state, since the ground molecule state is a singlet state. The |ψB1Π⟩ state can be expanded in the basis |JΩMJ miNa miK⟩ with J = 1 and Ω = 1. The B1Π state has negligible hyperfine interaction and the Zeeman interaction is diagonal. The diagonal matrix element is given by ⟨JΩMJ miNamiK| HB|JΩMJ miNamiK⟩ = μB MJ B/(J(J + 1)). The |NSJ MJ miNa miK⟩ state of c3Σ and the |JΩMJ miNa miK⟩ state of B1Π are mixed by the spin–orbit coupling with a coupling coefficient ξBc = 0.54899 cm−1. Therefore, the energy and the wave function of the hyperfine levels of the excited states are obtained by diagonalizing the coupled Hamiltonian
The triplet component of the wave function of the hyperfine excited state can be expressed as
The energies of the hyperfine levels of the excited state, relative to a reference frequency of 17700.64 cm−1, and the relative coupling strength between the hyperfine excited states and the Feshbach states in the vicinity of different Feshbach resonances are listed in Table
The coupling between the excited state and the ground state can be easily calculated once the singlet component of the excited state is obtained. The ground state can be expressed as |NSJMJ miNamiK⟩ with N = S = J = MJ = 0. The singlet component accounts for the coupling between the excited state and the ground state, and it can be expressed as,
In summary, we have presented an intensive investigation of the coupling between the Feshbach states and the hyperfine levels of the excited states in the adiabatic creation of the 23Na40K molecule. The 23Na40K ground state molecules have 36 hyperfine levels. By employing the different Feshbach molecules discussed in the present work, in principle we can address 21 hyperfine levels of the ground state by choosing the proper laser polarization and hyperfine levels of the excited states. This is more efficient and convenient than using the microwave pulses to prepare different hyperfine levels of the molecular ground states. This is because a microwave Raman π pulse or two resonant microwave π pulses can only change the projection of the nuclear spin miNa or miK by 1. This means many π pulses may be required if we prepare one hyperfine ground state by the STIRAP and use microwave pulses to transfer it to other hyperfine states. However, by choosing proper hyperfine excited states and laser polarizations, various hyperfine states can be populated by simply preforming the STIRAP. By preparing the different hyperfine levels of the molecule states, we can study the atom-molecule scattering resonances in different spin state combination, precisely change the number of open channels, and investigate the role of nuclear spins in the ultracold molecule collisions.
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